Social and corporate governance

ISO Policy
Occupational health and safety policy
Information security policy
Code of ethics
Requirements for suppliers of services and goods

Integrated Management System Policy of Group of companies "DELTA TRANS" (DELTA TRANS TRANSPORTE SP. Z O.O. AND DELTA TRANS LOGISTIK SP. Z O.O.) 19.09.2023r

The purpose of the activity of the "Delta Trans” Company Group is to provide the Customer with comprehensive services and to maintain a high position among companies with a similar profile of activity through continuous investment in technical solutions, staff training and expansion of the range of services.


One of the pillars of stable, long-term development is compliance with legal regulations, including special requirements related to environmental protection.


In all our activities, in addition to concentrating on the customers' requirements we endeavour to reduce the negative impact of our activities on the environment. This is reflected by our investments in the best available technologies.

Our main focus is placed on:

  • protection of: water, land, air, forests, biodiversity and animal rights,
  • reducing emissions of: greenhouse gases, noise and waste,
  • using renewable energy sources.


All persons working in the company are committed to quality, safety and environmental protection.


We pursue our goals in particular through:

  • compliance with legal requirements, including those related to environmental protection, that apply to the Group of Companies,
  • focus on meeting the customer's needs and requirements,
  • ongoing analysis of the needs, expectations and satisfaction of customers,
  • continuously improve our offer,
  • commit to work on improving the quality of the provided services,
  • comply with the applicable Code of Ethics,
  • ensuring information security at every stage of its processing,
  • investing in renewable energy sources, 
  • not taking action to deforest land,
  • rational use of materials, water, gas and electricity,
  • continuously monitor water, gas and electricity consumption,
  • continuous monitoring of noise levels at workplaces,
  • optimization of waste management by waste segregation and recovery,
  • rational and responsible management of the chemicals used,
  • continuously introduce innovations leading to the prevention of accidents, environmental pollution, including air pollution, and reduced water consumption,`
  • follow established patterns of behaviour and create new patterns that minimise the risk of health, environmental and quality problems,
  • careful selection of suppliers and their monitoring,
  • effective system of employee trainings,
  • preventing of emergency situations,
  • continuous improvement in the field of safety, quality and environmental protection.


At least once a year we set specific measurable safety, quality and environmental objectives and tasks.


OHS/ Fire safety Policy of Group of companies "DELTA TRANS" (DELTA TRANS TRANSPORTE SP. Z O.O. AND DELTA TRANS LOGISTIK SP. Z O.O.) 06.04.2021r.

The Delta Trans Company Group is committed to the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety and fire protection measures to ensure safe organisation of work for all its employees, partners and other persons present on the company’s premises.

Bearing in mind the responsibility for the health and life of the above-mentioned persons, we undertake to pursue the following objectives:

  • to comply with legal requirements,
  • to constantly improve occupational health and safety / fire safety conditions,
  • to continuously improve occupational health and safety / fire safety measures,
  • to prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases and fires,
  • to shape and develop the awareness of the management and all employees,
  • to improve employees' qualifications through training in occupational health and safety and fire safety,
  • to eliminate or reduce occupational risks at all workstations,
  • to carry out preventive actions to prevent industrial accidents,
  • to identify and monitor hazards and minimise risks.

We achieve these goals by means of:

  • ongoing analysis of occupational health and safety/fire safety regulations,
  • creation and updates of OHS / fire safety instructions and procedures,
  • identification of accident hazards and fire hazards, analysis of their circumstances and causes,
  • regular testing for harmful factors in the work environment and taking preventive actions based on conclusions drawn from them, e.g. by creating organisational and technical programmes,
  • cyclic occupational risk assessment at individual workstations,
  • equipping workers with the necessary personal protective equipment, clothing and work shoes,
  • training employees to improve their qualifications, awareness and understanding of the importance of OHS / fire safety in work processes,
  • modernisation of manufacturing processes,
  • ensuring the safety of the machines and devices used (in particular by ensuring regular inspections, decommissioning of defective machines / devices, working in accordance with the instructions),
  • ensuring the safety of work with chemical substances (in particular by using only substances authorized for sale, familiarizing employees with substance safety data sheets, periodic training of employees on the principles of using substances),
  • providing workplaces compliant with the principle of ergonomics, i.e.:
    • appropriate development of the room, in line with emergency exits, air conditioning, exhaust ventilation, lighting and acoustic insulation,
    • interior climatic conditions in line with hygiene and safety requirements,
    • selection of equipment fitted to a given workplace,
    • correct setting of machines and devices, including the correct setting of IT equipment,
  • modernisation of rooms and workstations
  • ongoing control of the OHS / fire safety conditions based on the internal control system
  • regular infrastructure inspections according to a schedule
  • regular evacuation drills and first aid training.

The Delta Trans Company Group provides technical and financial resources for the implementation of the above-mentioned objectives


The Company's Management Board is aware of the importance of the security of information processed in the Company and creates conditions to ensure their safety, including by securing them protection of financial resources, as well as employment of qualified staff.

The Company's Management Board undertakes to meet the related legal and contractual requirements with information security, especially in the field of personal data protection regulations and information constituting a trade secret.

Information Security Management is implemented in particular through regulations contained in internal regulations and documents of the management system, covering all areas of the Company's operations by creating the Information Security Management System (ISMS).

Each person at their assigned workplace is responsible for information security. Information security is supervised by managers of organizational units at all levels of management.

Information security is implemented through the following continuous activities:

  • monitoring the state of security (technical and organizational devices, regulations formal and legal) and the risks associated with it;
  • employee training (providing current knowledge);
  • making employees aware of the importance of their involvement in the implementation of the policy information security;
  • informing employees about the consequences of lack of due care about information security or information security breaches;
  • reporting incidents related to information security.

t is the responsibility of the Company's employees to comply with applicable rules of conduct indicated in the ISMS documentation. The Company's Management Board undertakes to constantly improve the implemented Management System Information Security.

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